Ungnadia speciosa Endler, mexican buckeye, texas buckeye. Tree, fall–deciduous, in range to 4 m tall; shoots initially short–hairy and with minute glandular hairs aging glabrescent.
Stems initially round–lobed, with 3 lobes descending from leaf, short–tomentose with tannish hairs; bark of trunk rough, dull light brown to gray.
Leaves helically alternate, odd–1–pinnately compound with 2—4 oppositely paired lateral leaflets, to 400 mm long, petiolate, without stipules; petiole with pulvinus at base, 3–lobed on lower side, 2–ridged on upper side and scarcely channeled approaching blade; rachis ± 3–ridged on upper side, short–hairy; petiolule < 1.5 mm long, 3–ridged, the terminal petiolule = rachis, with some minute glandular hairs; blades of leaflets ovae (broadly elliptic), < 60—170 × < 25—70 mm, terminal leaflet < lateral leaflets, broadly tapered to subtruncate and symmetric at base, serrate on margins, acuminate to acute at tip, pinnately veined with principal veins slightly raised on upper surface and raised on lower surface, sparsely short–pilose or with hairs mostly along veins.
Inflorescence panicle, to 8–flowered, flowers appearing before leaves from axillary buds on 1–year twigs, to 4–forked axes, bracteate; bud cataphylls on flowering shoot cupped, mostly fringed on margin, short–tomentose on outer surface; bract subtending lower axes sessile and broadly attached and upper portion free and ascending to spreading, outer scales ovate, 2.5—3.5 mm long, short–hairy; axes purple–red to burgundy, first order axis compressed, 4—9 mm long to fork, sparsely short–hirsute; pedicel 8—12 mm long, burgundy, with abscission zone 3—4 mm from fork, with 1—2 bracteoles along pedicel below abscission zone, alternate to subopposite, awl–shaped, < 1 mm long, burgundy, upper pedicel somewhat angled.
Flower bisexual, bilateral, 15—19 mm across, with expanded receptacle; pleasantly scented; calyx deeply 5–lobed; tube cup–shaped, short; lobes ascending, unequal, acute–ovate, 3.5—4 × 1.5—2.2 mm, short–ciliate on margins, ± short–strigose on inner surface, 1 lobe often deeply divided, to 6 mm long with oblanceolate to elliptic sublobes; petals 4, oriented to upper side of flower, conspicuously clawed, claw compressed front–to–back, ca. 2.5 × 1.2 mm, light rose to pinkish, fleshy, densely pilose–hirsute, limb obovate and entire to shallowly cut or lobed, 7—7.5 × 4—5.5 mm, light rose–purple, pinnately veined, surface pilose–hirsute to midpoint and along principal veins, with erect cluster of many, fleshy, fingerlike growths (crest) from top of claw blocking center of flower, growths to 1.5 mm long, whitish aging rose–purple; stamens (7—)8(—10), with anthers oriented to lower side of flower; filaments equal, S–shaped and curving anthers to lower half of flower, ca. 13 mm long, rose–red at base and white above often aging reddish, glabrous, having a green, tonguelike sheath confining filament bases; anthers dorsifixed, dithecal, 1.3—2.2 mm long, burgundy, longitudinally dehiscent; pollen white; nectaries 2, flanking stalk of pistil, pale green; pistil 1, initially 0.8 mm long, embedded in fleshy, fountainlike crest, stalked, the stalk (gynophore or stipe) initially 3 mm long and fused to sheath confining filaments; ovary superior, with blunt style having 3 short stigmatic lobes, 3–chambered, each chamber with 2 ovule2.
Fruit capsule, loculicidal, conspicuously 3–lobed, 3—6–seeded, dehiscent by 3 valves, in range 14—24 × 33—43 mm, valves hard, each lobe ca. 20 × 32 mm.
Seed subspheroid, 6—12 × 7—14 mm, glossy black, smooth, with large, elliptic, terminal scar surrounded by an ovate, brown border.
A. C. Gibson